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Manage your team's leave requests online with WhosOff

A quicker, simpler digital way to process and update staff holiday

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"It’s easy to pull the specific data I need for HR purposes and produce reports in WhosOff. We’re able to track patterns and better support people’s well-being."

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"It’s the ideal solution for modernising staff leave management."

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"We signed up to WhosOff over 10 years ago and have never looked back. I recommend it to absolutely everyone."

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Leave Management Software

Coordinating employee holiday should be straightforward, but it's often very time consuming. Manual approval processes are slow and long-winded. It's hard to keep holiday spreadsheets up to date. And leave requests get lost in busy inboxes.

Say farewell to paper forms and long email chains; start managing your leave requests online through WhosOff.

Holiday / Vacation 3rd Nov - 4th Dec Training 14th Jan Sick 4th Jul All day Dr's / Dentist 3rd Dec 17:00 - 18:00 WFH Mon, Wed, Thur for 8 weeks Birthday Today! Meeting 09:00 - 10:30 Conference 10th Jan - 2 Weeks PTO 18th Nov - 3rd Dec Bereavement 4th July - All day Unpaid 7th Jan - 2 Days Medical Appt. 2 hours Out of Office Thu, 5th Jan Duvet Day 13th Nov ½ day Maternity / Paternity 3rd August - 31st July

WhosOff’s leave management system takes the hard work out of company holiday planning – starting with how your team requests annual leave.

Use our cloud-base platform to:

● Manage and document all leave requests in one place, which your workforce can view and update at any time through the web.

● Create a central holiday calendar so every team member can check who’s off before they make a holiday request – including via the WhosOff mobile app

● Enable senior personnel to review/approve leave requests from multiple team members in one place

● Give each employee their own login so they can ask for time off online, check the status of their active requests, and manage upcoming leave bookings

● Customise which staff members need to approve leave – for example, HR may sign off any booking, but managers only need to green-light requests from their direct reports

● Create and enforce rules for approving leave to stop close colleagues from booking the same time off

● Allow certain types of leave to be approved without sign-off – for example, staff may want to block time out for a doctor or dentist appointment

● Automatically add approved leave to the central holiday calendar, for an accurate record of who’s off at any point in time

What type of time off can you log on a leave management system?

Many companies operate a holiday calendar, but it’s not just annual leave that a leave management system can manage.

To make effective business decisions, you need to know exactly who’s available to work – and there are many reasons that people take time off. WhosOff leave management software enables you to document all these in one place, including:

Time off in lieu

Many companies offer their workforce the chance to earn time off in lieu (TOIL) by taking on extra shifts or working extra hours when things get busy. Adding this type of leave to the calendar is just as important as tracking paid holiday.

Staff sickness

An employee falling ill can majorly impact your company structure and productivity. Recording this centrally via leave management software like WhosOff lets other team members know when someone’s off sick, and you can also mark them absent for several days if they’ve been medically signed off for a period of time.

Meetings and training sessions

Even if your staff are working, they might not always be available to do their ‘normal’ job. Customer meetings, internal updates and training courses can take up their time, and recording this centrally in your leave management system allows teams to plan around their availability.

Maternity, paternity or shared parental leave

Software platforms like WhosOff are very valuable for factoring-in extended absences like maternity leave and paternity leave, and they can also help you manage that staff member’s return to work effectively.

Compassionate leave

The last thing a grieving colleague wants is to be contacted about work when they’re going through a difficult personal time. Marking compassionate leave in your online company calendar gives the space they need to start healing, and can also make team members aware that they will need to be sensitive and empathetic when that person is back at work.

Personal appointments

(such as the doctor, dentist or counselling) – your team aren’t always absent for a full day, but they might have an important medical or wellbeing appointment that takes them out of action for a few hours. Logging this through WhosOff helps to prevent meeting clashes.

For more information, read our blog: 5 types of time off your business might not track – but needs to.

Managing annual leave online is a sustainable way to coordinate staff movements. It’s completely paper-free, and the slick approval process mean staff holiday requests are approved quicky, with no chasing needed.

Book a free WhosOff trial to explore our leave request features

See first-hand how WhosOff’s digital holiday calendar can improve the way you handle staff leave requests.

Get your long FREE trial today!

Frequently asked questions - FAQs

Q. What is leave management?

A. Leave management is the process for coordinating time off within your company. This could be paid annual leave or another form of time off – from time off in lieu and staff sickness to maternity leave and compassionate leave.

Many companies use a leave management system like WhosOff to centrally record what time off staff members have taken, tracking how many days of paid leave people have used from their annual entitlement.

For help with formalising your company’s leave management process, download our free annual leave policy template.

Q. Why is leave management important?

A. If you’re company isn’t managing annual leave properly, it can cause all sorts of problems. For example, the process of staff members of requesting time off, getting approval and recording it takes up far too much time – getting in the way of higher value tasks.

Failing to record leave accurately can also result in errors occurring. For instance, staff may take more time off than their total holiday occasion, or two key team members may book the same week off, leaving you short staffed. That’s why so many companies choose to log all staff absences through leave management software like WhosOff.

Q. Can we customise leave types?

A. If you’re using WhosOff, yes! Our team of technical experts will help you set up your leave management system in the best-fit way for your business – including adding in any custom leave types that your employees may choose to take.

Q. Can we restrict leave on certain days?

A. Yes. some companies prefer to block out peak trading periods or manage certain days of the year differently – for example, public holidays or the time between Christmas and New Year.

You can also put restrictions in place between team members, to stop two key people booking the same time off. Visit our policies and restrictions page to find out more.

Q. Can we produce reports on the type of leave?

A. Yes you can – in fact, WhosOff encourages our users to make the most of the data being tracked through our leave management system.

By managing all your staff movements in one place, you can identify key trends and use factual insights to shape your company holiday policies. And you can share data with senior company leaders, so they can see the impact of everything from paid time off to the amount of overtime completed by each department or individual employee.


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