Over the last couple of months not a lot of changes have been made to the WhosOff platform that users have been using. This is all because a new release to WhosOff has been in testing, building on the success that is already in place for users a number of new features including: text/html email preferences, default departments upon login a highly requested "save my login details" feature among the latest additions.
Add the above features to a new user friendly interface and experience and you have the all new WhosOff! - Take a sneak peak at https://staff.whosoff.com prior to its live launch.
Some popular updates (My Details / Settings):
- Text/HTML email preference
Whether you prefer HTML or Text Only emails you can now specify this within your account. - New Rich Interface
Why not login to your account on the above address, visit the My Details area and change your interface to the new "Rounded Blue", when you next login your experience will change (for the better!) - Default Departments
Prefer to see the design department when you login, or all departments, now you can set the default department saving you time when you login.
Other useful updates:
- Enhanced Support
The help section within the application is now linked to the Knowledgebase that the team at WhosOff have been and will continue to build over the forthcoming months. - Faster Development
The ability to react to our users' requirements is now a high priority and very achievable with the new release of WhosOff. Go on, ask for something.....
Don't forget: Visit https://staff.whosoff.com to check out the new interface prior to its public release.
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on Tuesday, 23rd February 2010