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Staff Hub allows your company to manage more personal information relating to your staff members, this can include;

  • Emergency Contact information
  • Personnel details
  • General Staff Directory information 

As the nature of this information can be sensitive, you have the option to grant access to your staff for each area as well as what they are allowed to do, whether this is Read only, or Editable.

In order to set the specific permissions for Staff Hub you can (you must be a Super User with Staff Hub to perform these changes);

  • Click on Staff Hub on the left hand menu
  • Click on Staff Hub Settings  
  • From here you will have 3 tabs where you can set the permissions as needed.


The Staff Directory report allows users to view basic contact information for other staff within the WhosOff account.


Emergency contacts can be setup for each user to allow the relevant individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency.


From here, users can add, edit or remove any personal details relating to the staff member, this can include (but is not limited to) Job Title, Job Description etc.


Users have the option to add important recorded information onto a staff members' profile, this could include (but is not limited to) appraisal records, training certifications etc. though documents cannot be uploaded onto the system 


This area allows you to filter information into specific digital folders, ensuring that the right information is captured in the right way.


Within each of the above tabs, you are able to assign specific permissions, either by User Level (Staff, Approver, Super User, Super User with Staff Hub) or custom permissions to a specific user. This allows you to setup the correct access controls, ensuring that users only have access to the information that you would like them to have.

  • My -  This grants the user access to their own information
  • My Staff - This allows the user to access information for the staff that they approve for
  • My Dept. - This allows the user to access information for staff in their own Department
  • Company - This allows the user access to  everyone in the company

Please note that users will need to have the My permission to access their own information, even if they have My Staff, My Dept. or Company. 

The Company permission overrides My Staff and My Dept. 

Each of the above permissions have 2 options for Personnel, Emergency Contacts and Records

  • Read -  Allows the user to view the information only
  • Read/Write - Allows the user to view and edit/create the information

Staff Directory only offers for Read permissions

Only users with the user type Super Users with Staff Hub can setup and amend these permissions.



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