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To access and view any already existing records on your WhosOff account, you can do the following;

  • Click on Staff Hub on the Left Hand menu
  • Click on Records
  • On the resulting page you will have some filter options available to access. This allows you to display the required information, as well as offering the option to Export / Print the data shown on screen.
    • Category - Select which category you would like to view information from
    • Status - Select the status of the records you would like to see;
      • Complete
      • Overdue/Expired
      • Active
      • Due
    • Date Range - Select which dates you would like to cover in the data capture
    • Type - Select who you would like to view the data for i.e. Company, a Department etc.
    • Sort By - Choose your desired sorting option
Whenever you make a new selection or change one of the filter options, click Run to refresh the data on screen.

You can add a new Record at any time by clicking on the Add New option, then following the steps on the Right Hand menu.

  • Staff Member - Select the staff member you want to create a Record for
  • Category - Choose the relevant category that this record belongs to
  • Reference - Enter a reference for this record, this could be a document no. or even just the staff members Staff Code / Employee ID no.
  • Start Date - Select the date this particular record should start from
  • Due Date - Select the date this record is due by
  • File location / linked document - This can be useful for inserting a link / name of a document that is stored outside of WhosOff, but is still relevant to the record, allowing for quicker access to the necessary document(s).
  • Notes - Enter any notes that are relevant to the record
  • Completed Date - Enter the completed date for this record (if not yet complete, don't populate this date until it has been completed)
  • Then click Add

Don't forget that access to this area can be restricted as much as you need to, in terms of who can access the information either as Read-Only or Read/Write access, but also who individuals are allowed to see within this area, you can view this further within the Staff Hub - Settings article.




Version 4


Staff hub


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