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If you are an approver or super user in your company's WhosOff account, you might have staff members that you manage and therefore can take action on any overtime requests that require your attention.


  • Login to your WhosOff account
  • Click Overtime on the Left Hand menu 
  • Click on Pending Overtime
  • On the resulting page, you will be able to quickly locate any pending overtime requests that require your attention, along with the following information;
    • Requested - This indicates when the overtime request was originally submitted
    • Staff Member - Who the request is for
    • Approver - Who the staff members' approver is
    • From - When the request starts, the next column will indicate the request length/duration
    • Duration - This will indicate the total duration in hours
    • Lieu Requested - This will show you how much Lieu Time (if any) has been requested
    • Overtime Type - Which overtime type has been requested
  • Also in line with each request you will see 3 Options, either ViewProcess or Approve

Sometimes overtime requests will need further checking to see whether or not they can be approved, before you take action you can click View under the options column.

From this screen, you will be able to review the overtime details in a lot more detail along with checking the staff member's current Opening and Remaining Balances. 

You will also be able to view any Notes that may have been submitted with the request, this could include valuable information as to why they have worked it, aiding your ability to make the most appropriate decision

After reviewing the information, you can use the Process Request section located on the Manage tab to either Approve or Decline the request. Once processed the staff member will receive an email notification informing them of the outcome (depending on the overtime type settings). 

If Lieu Time has been requested (or even if they have not requested any Lieu Time), you will also be able to Edit the lieu time amount to be granted, if necessary. 


Sometimes you don't need the full detail to be able to make your decision on whether to Approve or Decline a leave request, therefore clicking on Process under the Options column will allow you to process it a lot quicker, while still seeing any Notes the user may have included.

When you click on Process the system will open up the Right Hand menu, remember the theme of Right Hand menu for processing and Left Hand menu for navigating.

From the Right Hand menu, you will see a brief snapshot of the overtime request information, along with any accompanying Notes

You will also be able to Edit the amount of Lieu Time to be granted, if applicable.

When you want to make your decision, use the Decision option to select either ApproveDecline or Cancel.

After making any decision (depending on your overtime type settings) all related parties will receive an email notification regarding the outcome and the user's record will be updated accordingly.


If you don't need to see any information at all, beyond the dates and staff member requesting overtime, then clicking Approve will present a prompt, where you can simply click Yes to approve the overtime immediately. Or, if you didn't mean to click this, you can click No to reconsider. 


Web / Online




overtime, approve overtime, pending, manage, approve, approver

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