As an Approver you can take action on a pending leave request within the system by doing the following.
- Login to your WhosOff Account
- Click Manage Pending Leave Requests
- Then in line with the required request click Approve or Remove
This action Approves the leave and sends an email to the staff member or will Cancel the request, where an email will also be generated and sent to the staff member.
To view additional information relating to the leave request you can click the View option.
This link takes you to a new page 'Leave Request Details' , displaying the staff members full request and their allowances.
On this page there are also two extra helpful buttons to assist the approvers decision.
Clicking ‘View Diary' from the 'Leave Request Details'
- This function displays at the bottom of the page, a calendar month with a list of the staff members in the same department and their leave within the period requested. This function is handy for the approver to check if any staff member co-inside with the present staff members request.
Clicking ‘View Staff Members Yearly Calendar' from the 'Leave Request Details'
- This function also displays at the bottom of the page the calendar year for the staff member who is making the request.
Also from this page an ‘Approver' has an area to Approve or Decline and add notes to the staff members request.
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